Embassy in Hanoi

All practical information on our Embassy in Hanoi.

Address and opening hours

Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Hanoi.
  1. Last updated on

Contact details

Hanoi Towers - 9th floor
49 Hai Bà Trưng street, 
Hanoi, Vietnam

Contact us

Belgians in distress

Despite all your precautions, you find yourself in a situation of distress in Vietnam. What to do? Firstly, contact your travel agency, insurance company, the local authorities, your hotel management, family and/or friends in Vietnam or in Belgium.

If you are unable to resolve your situation and have been unable to find the necessary help, you can contact the Belgian representations abroad via the emergency number as part of consular assistance.

List of hospitals

The following questions will not be answered on the emergency number:

Take into account the time difference with Belgium (+5/6h).

You have read the above information and are in an acute emergency situation?


Opening hours and closing days

Monday to Friday 9 am to 12 pm and 1:30pm – 4pm

Except for urgent matters, the Embassy of Belgium in Hanoi will only receive visitors with confirmed appointment. You are therefore requested to fix an appointment by phone +84 24 3934 6179 or email hanoi@diplobel.fed.be before coming to the Embassy.